This installment may be corrected if I got something incorrect or if I received more information. In the first installment:

* I clarified that outdoor dining and alcohol sales for on-premises consumption is an accessory use. The three residential areas, this would require a special use permit as well.

* I clarified that homestays are to no longer be allowed and added a quote from James Freas with more information about this aspect of the zoning code.

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The STR ban seems like a big divergence from the current rules. Do you think it’s likely to hold through the working sessions, or face some sort of compromise between a ban and the current regulations?

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That's still a good question. I've not been able to do much follow-up this week but I think the story will deepen over time. There's likely going to be a lot of conversation about it, that's for sure!

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Hi Sean - do you know if existing homestays in R-A areas are grandfathered in, or will they have to close? I'm assuming this covers AirBnBs, VRBO, etc.

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Hello! I've updated the newsletter with a clarification based on information I received from James Freas. More details in the official correction for what I'm calling edit #1.

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Thanks, Sean! That is very interesting...

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