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I know full well that the opening line today should have said "longest night" but I didn't catch that. Maybe that's because today has felt vey full. I initially wasn't going to produce a show because I felt so overwhelmed by all of the information! But, I got to it and put this out. So, yes, this was the shortest day of the year. I'm just excited to think of being able to use both the night and the day to get all of these newsletters produced.

I'm not going to correct it. I'm going to leave that as an artifact that signifies a tendency I have to reverse two sides of a coin. I also have a tendency to leave out the "not" qualifier from time to time.

I am hopeful I can get funds to pay a copy editor before too long. I would love for me to have someone who would could review things like this.

This was a long day. Days are what we make of them, no matter where our Earth is in its trip around the Sun.

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