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sean, thank you for so much information.. the info about the solar farm is almost thrilling. the positive environmental changes for the site itself, with the addition of so many households able to use an alternative source of home energy use, sounds so good.

re richmond parking, i can't envision at this time, how not having ANY city rules on parking could be helpful in some neighborhoods (oregon hill is definitely problematic for parking, for example). perhaps automobiles need to be smaller, used less, public transport added.

i guess what i notice here, is that, in almost every project of city and county, and further afield, is the extreme (my opinion) cost of any small item(s) or labor, to be used for any gov't project...we now seem to avoid looking at small businesses, or even individuals who could provide service for many projects....tradeoff for time to search for same, perhaps, so not only household daily life expense, but everything beyond the household in modern life has exorbitant costs today, not including the costs for humanity or the environment, other life forms...

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