Sean, I found some interesting stuff in Chapter 14 SUBDIVISION OF LAND of the https://library.municode.com/va/albemarle_county/codes/code_of_ordinances .

Also stumbled across The Code of law of the State of Virginia~ Section § 15.2-2240 ~ Localities to adopt ordinances regulating subdivision and development of land.

"The governing body of every locality shall adopt an ordinance to assure the orderly subdivision of land and its development."

As a census designated place (CDP) of Albemarle county, Crozet is a locality.

But I have no idea what is "the governing body" of the locality of Crozet to which this law applies.

Can you enlighten me?

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oh yeah! looking for my big shovel now.

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Oh, and voting records of individual supervisors on specific issues.

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Thank you Sean!!

1 Re: 2021 Crozet Master Plan pg 10 "Future Land Use Typologies"--- Where is the public statement of exactly what circumstances would necessitate the density increases listed there?

Following up on allegations heard repeatedly:

1] where are the records of specific campaign donations to individual Supervisors?

2] B] where are the records of reported building code violations (specifically construction of houses and buildings), the follow-up investigations, and the penalties imposed on and PAID BY violators?



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Thank you

1 Re: Where is a statement of the circumstances that would necessitate the density increases on 2021 Crozet Master Plan pg 10 "Future Land Use Typologies"?

2] Re: allegations on Nextdoor:

a] where are the records of specific campaign donations to individual Supervisors?

b] where are the records of reported building code violations (specifically construction of houses and buildings), the follow-up investigations, and the penalties imposed on and PAID by violators?

Will you be at the 1pm BOS meeting tomorrow?

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You nailed it. Where are the records???????????

Allegations without documentation are simply toxic.

I'll be at the BOS meeting tomorrow night. Sure would like to meet some other folks with the same concerns there.

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Apr 28, 2023·edited Apr 28, 2023

Posted on Nextdoor today:


After reading, replying to and posting here re Crozet growth, I’m getting confused as to what is where.

So for my own sanity (if that’s not an oxymoron) I’m starting this thread, and for this issue it’s the only place I’ll read or post .

I would be honored to receive comments from anyone so generous as to reply.

I’m going after what I see as the root of the problem---further expansion of overgrazed feeding grounds for developers we can’t eat.

And find out why the %*$# anybody thinks that's a good idea.

Do they think we’re gonna make sausage?

Re public housing—I support the idea that whatever number of units of those allocated by the 2021 Crozet Master Plan remain unbuilt should be dedicated to affordable housing.

Re Riverbend etc---Thank you Michelle and Minsu. We do indeed have fairly substantial barriers to overcome.

On the other hand, we are not bound by the same publicity concerns as corporations and public representatives.

In fact, quite the opposite.

Re their “Expert Witnesses”---- Soon after my first satisfying experience as an expert witness I was confronted with what a dirty business that is. A quick end to a well-paid side gig.

Judges and attorneys know who they are (and commonly use a non-compassionate term for sex-workers), but citizen jurors haven’t a clue.

We may not have the money to hire expert witnesses, but that would almost certainly be a battle of the budgets anyway.

I'm eager to publicly confront and hopefully shame developers with some kind of fun, creative, unique, amusing and memorable media event.

If we get together, we could invite Crozet taxpayers to be our Expert Witness, yes?

Here's a quote from Ms. Ashley Davies, VP Riverbend Development Co. at the the Crozet Community Advisory Committee Meeting, April 12, 2023 :

"there is a major push to actually, uh, appropriately develop and be compatible with the future land use plans so we don't have to start delving into the rural areas before it's necessary". (begins at 42m05s on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g6kgFcrDDQo".

I have thoroughly combed the 2021 Crozet Master Plan, and find no reference as to when it would be necessary to start "delving into rural areas", and am curious as to who in the county government might give a plain-language explanation to us Crozet voters and taxpayers..

Having attended my first BOS meeting, and afterwards speaking and later corresponding with a couple county folks, I realize that majority (vs consensus) decisions of the BOS do not reflect the values of every member.

I want to discover who on the Board shares my views on growth and development and support them.

I intend to maintain a relationship of trustworthy good-will toward our County Supervisors, while gathering information about their individual views, votes, actions and relationships.

Do we have a Clarence Thomas on the board?

Doubt it, but let's find out.

Re complaints about Ann Mallek---where are the records of her actual votes, and of other supervisors, on issues of growth? What is their expressed reasoning behind such votes?

Re her donors---where are the public records of donations to individual Supervisors?

I have seen many allegations re buildings constructed in violation of the zoning laws. Do we have a record of reported violations, the findings, and the consequences paid by builders of illegal structures.?

Re 200-300 people at an event demanding infrastructure----What kind of documentation do we have to support this demand?

I would have to see a very clear, concise and agreed upon presentation of the data before participating.

I’m also strongly committed to maintaining a position of good-will and friendly but assertive expression of my views on these topics with anyone.

And listen carefully to fully understand theirs.

Especially the Board of Supervisors.


Pablo Miller

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