Charlottesville Community Engagement
Charlottesville Community Engagement
August 4, 2021: Greystar submits rezoning application for 525-unit Old Ivy residences; Charlottesville hires a planning director

August 4, 2021: Greystar submits rezoning application for 525-unit Old Ivy residences; Charlottesville hires a planning director

This newsletter's goal is to help as many people as possible understand all of the moving pieces. 

In today’s Substack-fueled shout-out, Code for Charlottesville is seeking volunteers with tech, data, design, and research skills to work on community service projects. Founded in September 2019, Code for Charlottesville has worked on projects with the Legal Aid Justice Center, the Charlottesville Fire Department, and the Charlottesville Office of Human Rights. Visit the Code for Charlottesville website to learn more, including details on projects that are underway.

In this edition of the program:

  • Charlottesville City Council discusses a rezoning in Belmont zoning, bringing up issues of affordability and ensuring safe connectivity

  • Charlottesville hires a new planning director 

  • An international developer has submitted rezoning plans for 525 units on Old Ivy Road

The summer surge in COVID-19 continues with another 1,717 cases reported this morning by the Virginia Department of Health. The percent positivity rate has increased to 6.5 percent. In the Blue Ridge Health District there are another 37 cases reported, and the percent positivity is at 4.2 percent.  The Central Shenandoah Health District reports 39 today, and Central Virginia Health District reports 34. There are some interesting geographic variances. The Alexandria district reports 19 while the Leonwisco district in far southwest Virginia reports 53 today and the neighboring Mount Rogers district reports 49.

Six months ago today, the VDH reported 3,059 new cases. The agency will update a dashboard that breaks down cases by vaccination status on Friday.

If you have questions about what’s happening, you’ll have the chance to ask health officials questions at a town hall that the Blue Ridge Health District will hold on Thursday, August 5, at 1 p.m. Panelists will include Dr. Denise Bonds of the health district and pediatricians Dr. Paige Perriello and Dr. Jeffrey Vergales.  Register on Zoom.

On Tuesday, the Roanoke County School Board voted 3-2 to not require masks for kindergarten through 5th grade, according to the Roanoke Times

A look at cases in Virginia over the last 180 days. View the data yourself.

Charlottesville has a new director of the department that oversees land use and zoning within the city. James Freas will be the next Director of Neighborhood Development Services, a position that’s been held by Alexander Ikefuna for the past six years. Freas is currently the director of Community and Economic Development in the town of Natick in Massachusetts, a position he has held since November 2019. Before that, he worked in land use positions in Newton, Massachusetts. He also served four years as a city planner in Hampton from 2005 to 2009.

This will be a return to Charlottesville for Freas, who graduated from the University of Virginia with an undergraduate degree in psychology. He also earned a Master of Community Planning from the University of Rhode Island and a Master of Studies in Environmental Law from the Vermont Law School. 

"I am excited to be returning to Virginia and eager to get started with the City,” Freas said in a release. “There are a number of important conversations happening right now around development and zoning and I look forward to engaging with the community.”

Freas will report to Deputy City Manager Sam Sanders and begins work on September 13. 

James Freas (Credit: City of Charlottesville)

A developer that builds rental housing throughout the world has filed an application with Albemarle County to rezone 36 acres of undeveloped land on Old Ivy Road for 525 units. Greystar wants to build on property to the west of the University Village retirement community and Huntington Village. 

“The residences planned for the Property are proposed to be entirely for rent, at least initially, in response to a strong interest in rental properties in the area,” reads the narrative for the proposal

In all there are five properties involved in what’s being called Old Ivy Residences, all but two of which are zoned already at the R-15 zoning category required for density. One 5.52 acre property is zoned R-1. However, there is also an application to change the status of steep slopes on the property from preserved to managed. The lands are currently owned by the Filthy Beast LLC, Father Goose LLC, and the Beyer Family Investment Partnership. 

According to the narrative, there would be 77 single-family homes, 43 townhouses, 58 duplexes and 312 apartments. Again, all rental. 

“Market research demonstrates a demand for single- family residences for young families, young professionals, graduate students and retirees who desire more space but are not interested in, or able to purchase a home at this stage of their lives,” the narrative continues. 

An existing pond on the property would be retained and serve as open space and for stormwater management. Some of the land had been purchased by the Virginia Department of Transportation for the Western Bypass, a project that was canceled in 2014. 

The western edge of the property is the U.S. 250 bypass 

You’re listening to Charlottesville Community Engagement. In this subscriber supported public service announcement, over the course of the pandemic, the Albemarle Charlottesville Historical Society has provided hours and hours of interviews, presentations, and discussions about interpretations and recollections of the past. All of this is available for you to watch, for free, on the Historical Society’s YouTube Channel. There’s even an appearance by me, talking about my work on this newsletter. Take a look!


There’s an age-old question in land use. Which comes first? The development, or the infrastructure? Should developments be limited in size if all of the pieces aren’t yet in place to support additional residents? 

The topic came up during Council’s consideration on August 2 on the rezoning of 1206 Carlton Avenue which will allow development of an eight-unit apartment complex on a currently empty lot in Belmont. The project also requires a special use permit. City planner Matt Alfele represented city staff. 

“The applicant is also requesting side setbacks be modified from 13 feet to 8 feet,” Alfele said. “The application materials indicate the height of the building would be approximately 40 feet but no greater than the R-3 allotted 45 feet.” 

Charles Neer of Chestnut Avenue appealed to Council to deny the rezoning, as a previous Council had done for that property in October 2018. 

“The petitioner has come back again asking to rezone the property, increasing the density from six to eight and not increasing the parking,” Neer said.

The project is being developed by Management Services Inc., a firm represented by civil engineer Justin Shimp who we’ll hear from later.

This rezoning comes at a time when there is heightened attention on the cost of housing. The Alfele said the Planning Commission had asked Shimp about how much it would cost to live in the apartments. 

The red star marks 1206 Carlton Avenue

“The applicant stated it would be the $1,100 to $1,500 range for a mix of one and two bedroom units within the development,” Alfele said. “The Planning Commission also stated that this type of housing, missing middle, would support more housing opportunities in the neighborhood.”

In his presentation, Shimp laid out the dimensions for the proposed building. 

“So the premise is here that we have a small building that is 26’ by 94’ so its essentially about the size of two single family houses stacked back to back, with a stairwell in the center, is the scale of the house, being about three stories,” Shimp said. 

Four of the units are one bedroom, and the other four are two bedroom units.    

Shimp also said this proposal contains one more parking space than the one denied in 2019. 

“It is not intended to be luxury type of housing,” Shimp said. “The developer of this is not in that. They’re trying to build a simple structure with moderate price housing.”

Shimp stated the rents would effectively be within the range of affordability for people and households making 80 percent of the area median income.  He said the property had been zoned R-3 until a city-wide rezoning in 2003. 

Charlottesville Mayor Nikuyah Walker had concerns there was not enough parking, and that the developer would not be required to add sidewalks elsewhere in the neighborhood as part of the development. She said the city should not have to be the sole party responsible for building infrastructure to support growth. 

“The developers are talking about feasibility and we never ask them questions about what that means in terms of profit for them and I know I’ve been told quite a few times that that’s apparently not our business,” Walker said. “How can they ask us for more but we think something that’s necessary for the neighborhood and especially for the new community members, that if we’re talking about walkability that we want them to walk somewhere and be safe. I just don’t understand how we think that that is not something that is acceptable to tie into a request when they are asking us to build more than they can build by-right.”

Councilor Lloyd Snook  said if the city is going to intentionally increase density, there need to be plans for how the infrastructure will follow. 

“Whether the infrastructure is provided by the developer or whether it is provided by the city at our expense, and as I look at that area the first that concerns me is that the streets are all pretty narrow, the lots are pretty close together and that’s fine,” Snook said. “But if we’re going to have close together lots and an emphasis on walkability, then we also ought to be having an emphasis on sidewalks and sight lines on the roads that we’ve got. A lot of the roads not only are narrow but they twist and turn a little bit. I would like to think about whether there are things the city would recognize that there are things that we would like to go in that area.”

There is no small area plan for Belmont. The 2007 Comprehensive Plan has an appendix that compile neighborhood input that had been collected by the defunct Charlottesville Community Design Center. 

There’s also the 2015 Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan as well as the also the 2016 Streets That Work plan, which is intended to make streets serve pedestrians and cyclists. Those are handy documents to have, but city engineer Jack Dawson said they are not always useful in cases like such as this.

“There is sort of a missing link I would say very generally between developing a single property and looking at the overall multimodal network,” Dawson said. 

Neighborhood input in the 2007 Comprehensive Plan (page 302 of the PDF)

But in the case of 1206 Carlton, Shimp pointed out that there is a sidewalk on one side of Carlton Avenue. He said the issue is a request to build a sidewalk on to Chestnut Street. 

“We have sidewalks on our side that will get you all the way into Belmont,” Shimp said. “It’s not an issue. There was a question of could we connect to across the street, and that road comes down at a pretty rough slope and I don’t think it’s possible to build a sidewalk without substantial work and probably right of way condemnation. Those are all outside the limits of this project.”

Councilor Michael Payne has joined Council since the October 2019 vote. He said he supported the project as a good example of infill development that would provide workforce housing. 

“You know, I was just comparing it some recent apartments that have come on line,” Payne said. “These are half the rent of some of the new apartments that have come online.”

Walker wanted to know what would prevent those units from increasing in rent anyway. Shimp said the design of the project would limit its worth on the open market.

“The square footages are not substantial,” Shimp said. “It’s a smaller unit. There’s not swimming pools or other sort luxury amenities. It’s just designed as a workforce housing structure. That’s for the neighborhood that it is in.”

Walker said that at one point, her house in Belmont was considered workforce housing with small homes on small lots. 

“Mill workers at the IX building and now you have houses that are selling for $300,000 and up,” Walker said. 

One home on Walker’s street that is blocks away sold in June for $452,500, or nearly 48 percent of the 2021 assessment. 

Shimp said a lack of non-luxury units in the community on the market helps contribute to the rising market price for housing. He again said this project would provide the “missing middle” prompting a question.

“So when you are saying missing middle, what does that mean for you?” Walker asked.

“That means something that is basically more than a duplex but less than a garden apartment building,” Shimp said. 

Shimp said that “missing middle” was about the structure, and not about the income of those in it. However, he also said he would be submitting a triplex to city officials and hoped the rent in those would be in the $800 range. 

Walker expressed concern the rents would not remain low without a guarantee. Shimp said he would like to see a city policy that would make it easier to build houses with rents at lower price points. That is not currently in place. 

Councilor Lloyd Snook said there was not much the city could do to put an affordability guarantee in place. 

“In a market economy, I don’t know how you guarantee that kind of thing more than a years down the road anyway,” Snook said. 

There was no official vote on the rezoning because a second reading is needed. A majority of Councilors did indicate support. It will come back up for approval at a future Council meeting. 

Before you go! To keep this program going, two things need to happen. I need to increase the number of people who sign up for this email. I also need more of you to sign up for paid subscription through Substack here. Ting Charlottesville will match your contribution as a sign of their support for local independent journalism. So, do consider signing up and drop me a line if you have questions.

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Charlottesville Community Engagement
Charlottesville Community Engagement
Regular updates of what's happening in local and regional government in and around Charlottesville, Virginia from an award-winning journalist with nearly thirty years of experience.